Source code for alpenglow.offline.models.ALSFactorModel

import alpenglow.Getter as rs
import alpenglow.offline

[docs]class ALSFactorModel(alpenglow.offline.OfflineModel): """ALSFactorModel(dimension=10,begin_min=-0.01,begin_max=0.01,number_of_iterations=3,regularization_lambda=0.0001,alpha=40,implicit=1) This class implements the well-known matrix factorization recommendation model [Koren2009]_ and trains it using ALS and iALS [Hu2008]_. Parameters ---------- dimension : int The latent factor dimension of the factormodel. begin_min : double The factors are initialized randomly, sampling each element uniformly from the interval (begin_min, begin_max). begin_max : double See begin_min. number_of_iterations : double Number of times to optimize the user and the item factors for least squares. regularization_lambda : double The coefficient for the L2 regularization term. See [Hu2008]_. This number is multiplied by the number of non-zero elements of the user-item rating matrix before being used, to achieve similar magnitude to the one used in traditional SGD. alpha : int The weight coefficient for positive samples in the error formula in the case of implicit factorization. See [Hu2008]_. implicit: int Whether to treat the data as implicit (and optimize using iALS) or explicit (and optimize using ALS). """ def _fit(self, recommender_data, users, items, matrix): model = rs.EigenFactorModel(**self.parameter_defaults( begin_min=-0.01, begin_max=0.01, dimension=10, seed=67439852, )) learner = rs.OfflineEigenFactorModelALSLearner(**self.parameter_defaults( number_of_iterations=3, regularization_lambda=0.0001, alpha=40, implicit=1, clear_before_fit=1, )) learner.set_model(model) return (model, learner)