Source code for alpenglow.experiments.FmExperiment

import alpenglow.Getter as rs
import alpenglow as prs

[docs]class FmExperiment(prs.OnlineExperiment): """FmExperiment(dimension=10,begin_min=-0.01,begin_max=0.01,learning_rate=0.05,negative_rate=0.0,user_attributes=None,item_attributes=None) This class implements an online version of the factorization machine algorithm [Rendle2012]_ and trains it via stochastic gradient descent. The model is able to train on implicit data using negative sample generation, see [X.He2016]_ and the **negative_rate** parameter. Note that interactions between separate attributes of a user and between separate attributes of an item are not modeled. The item and user attributes can be provided through the **user_attributes** and **item_attributes** parameters. These each expect a file path pointing to the attribute files. The required format is similar to the one used by libfm: the i. line describes the attributes of user **i** in a space sepaterated list of **index:value** pairs. For example the line "3:1 10:0.5" as the first line of the file indicates that user 0 has 1 as the value of attribute 3, and 0.5 as the value of attribute 10. If the files are omitted, an identity matrix is assumed. **Notice:** once an attribute file is provided, the identity matrix is no longer assumed. If you wish to have a separate latent vector for each id, you must explicitly provide the identity matrix in the attribute file itself. .. [Rendle2012] Rendle, Steffen. "Factorization machines with libfm." ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (TIST) 3.3 (2012): 57. Parameters ---------- dimension : int The latent factor dimension of the factormodel. begin_min : double The factors are initialized randomly, sampling each element uniformly from the interval (begin_min, begin_max). begin_max : double See begin_min. learning_rate : double The learning rate used in the stochastic gradient descent updates. negative_rate : int The number of negative samples generated after each update. Useful for implicit recommendation. user_attributes : string The file containing the user attributes, in the format described in the model description. Set None for no attributes (identity matrix). item_attributes : string The file containing the item attributes, in the format described in the model description. Set None for no attributes (identity matrix). """ def _config(self, top_k, seed): model_parameters = self.parameter_defaults( begin_min=-0.01, begin_max=0.01, dimension=10, user_attributes=None, item_attributes=None, ) if(model_parameters['user_attributes'] is not None): container = rs.FileSparseAttributeContainer() container.load_from_file(model_parameters['user_attributes']) model_parameters['user_attributes'] = container if(model_parameters['item_attributes'] is not None): container = rs.FileSparseAttributeContainer() container.load_from_file(model_parameters['item_attributes']) model_parameters['item_attributes'] = container model = rs.FmModel(**model_parameters) updater = rs.FmModelUpdater(**self.parameter_defaults( learning_rate=0.05, )) updater.set_model(model) negative_sample_generator = rs.UniformNegativeSampleGenerator(**self.parameter_defaults( negative_rate=0.0, initialize_all=False, seed=67439852, filter_repeats=False, )) negative_sample_generator.add_updater(updater) return (model, [negative_sample_generator], [])