Source code for alpenglow.Getter

import alpenglow.cpp as pr
import threading
from collections import defaultdict

[docs]class MetaGetter(type): """Metaclass of :py:class:`alpenglow.Getter.Getter`. Provides utilities for creating and managing cpp objects in the :py:mod:`alpenglow.cpp` package. For more information, see :doc:`/general/memory_management`. """ def __init__(self, a, b, c): tid = threading.get_ident() self.collect_ = defaultdict(lambda: False) self.items = defaultdict(lambda: []) def __getattr__(self, name): def objectfactory(*args, **kwargs): tid = threading.get_ident() retval = None if(kwargs == {}): class_ = getattr(pr, name) retval = class_(*args) else: paramsClass_ = getattr(pr, name + 'Parameters') paramval = paramsClass_() for k, v in kwargs.items(): setattr(paramval, k, v) class_ = getattr(pr, name) retval = class_(paramval) if(self.collect_[tid]): self.items[tid].append(retval) return retval return objectfactory
[docs] def collect(self): tid = threading.get_ident() self.collect_[tid] = True self.items[tid] = []
[docs] def get_and_clean(self): tid = threading.get_ident() items = self.items[tid] self.collect_[tid] = False self.items[tid] = [] return items
[docs] def run_self_test(self, i): try: if not i.self_test(): raise AssertionError("Selftest failed for " + i.__repr__()) except Exception as e: if not isinstance(e, AttributeError): raise e
[docs] def initialize_all(self, objects): objects = [o for o in objects if isinstance(o, pr.Initializable)] i = 0 while i < 10 and objects != []: objects = [o for o in objects if not o.initialize()] i += 1 if i == 10 and objects != []: raise RuntimeError("Could not initialize objects: " + ",".join([str(o) for o in objects]))
[docs] def set_experiment_environment(self, online_experiment, objects): objects = [o for o in objects if isinstance(o, pr.NeedsExperimentEnvironment)] for o in objects: online_experiment.inject_experiment_environment_into(o)
[docs]class Getter(object, metaclass=MetaGetter): """Responsible for creating and managing cpp objects in the :py:mod:`alpenglow.cpp` package. """ pass